Short Asymmetrical Haircut

Frankie Sandford - Short asymmetrical haircut for parties
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Frankie Sandford mesmerized everyone with her hairstyle in 2009 and 2011. Frankie is a true artist who treats her face and hair like a canvas. Her blue-gray eye shadow encircles her eyes, complemented by generous amounts of eyeliner, lashes, mascara, darkened arched eyebrows, flawless blush, and beautiful foundation, all enhancing her lip gloss.
Frankie wore her hair in an asymmetrical cut, with one side clipped high around her ear while the other side mimics a bob. The heavy top glides over to integrate with the bob. If you have an artistic personality and are outgoing, this hairstyle might be perfect for you and easy to style. Apply styling lotion while you blow-dry, spritz with holding spray, and you're ready for work.
As Frankie demonstrates, this short hairstyle can be elegant for both evening events and the office. Although Frankie isn't wearing earrings, I can well imagine how pearls would look amidst her dark hair. Frankie has a gorgeous olive skin tone, and her best colors to wear are oranges, reds, yellows, and even mango and lime - all the tropical colors.
Short haircut with one side clipped around the ear - Frankie Sandford
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Tip: If you are seeking to look your best and are undecided about the colors you should wear, ask a girlfriend who will be honest with you, even if you don't want to hear it. If pink brings out the pink hues in your skin and deepens your eyes, then that's what you should be wearing.
Don't wear black just because everyone else is. Opt for gray or navy blue instead, and always remember that green is a neutral color too.
Short hairstyle for women with an outgoing personality - Frankie Sandford
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Frankie Sandford hairstyles