Hair Pulled Back Severely

Faune Chambers wearing her hair pulled back severely
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Pretty actress Faune Chambers is making a big splash in Hollywood. She always knew she was destined to be an actress.
One of her biggest breaks came when she became a dancer for none other than Michael Jackson and went on tour with him. Here we see her at the "Pursuit of Happiness" world premiere in Los Angeles in 2006.
Faune wears her hair back and out of the way so she can be busy with her dancing and active lifestyle with her pets. It truly is amazing what pulling your hair back can do for a pretty face.
This style is pulled back severely and parted in the middle. The back could be in a knot at the lower back, middle back, or even upper back. I'm sure there are plenty of products to help achieve this ultra-smooth look.
Faune Chamers - Hairstyle with an exposed forehead for an active lifestyle
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Faune Chambers hairstyles