Easy Short Hairstyle

Carey Mulligan - Easy no muss no fuss short hairstyle
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Carey Mulligan maintains her eyebrows with a delicate, natural lightness, while opting for heavy eyeliner and mascara. She wears a neutral matte lip color with a warm touch on her cheeks. Particularly striking are her small diamond earrings, which she pairs with a large, bulky sunburst-shaped necklace.
At the 15th Annual Critics' Choice Awards in Los Angeles, California, Carey showcased her short, playful hairstyle. Previously known for her long locks, she embraced a change with this fun, elfin haircut.
Her hair is layered in the back, with the center parting allowing for longer layers. The style transitions smoothly around the sides, clipped on top of the ears, reminiscent of a derby hat.
Playful short hairstyle - Carey Mulligan
Photos by PR Photos
The bangs seamlessly blend in from the sides, gracefully framing her forehead.
Carey's hairstyle offers a simple solution for those seeking a change. A quick blow-dry and some gloss, and you're ready to go. No hassle, no fuss
Short hairstyle with layers - Carey Mulligan
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Carey Mulligan Hairstyles