Medium Hairstyle for a Petite Face

Autumn Reeser - Medium hairstyle with bounce
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Autumn Reeser is aptly named because her hair color resembles the hues of autumn, with shades of various brown-reds woven throughout her hairstyle. She wore her medium-length hair at the CBS "Ghost Whisperer" celebration of their 100th episode, styled in short, idle coils around her head.
Her top hair was short enough to provide the necessary bounce, with bangs designed to sweep over one side of her forehead. This hairstyle may require some effort to curl the coils around the head, but a slightly messy look is acceptable. Her hair length offers a variety of styling options, from flipping it up to brushing it down or wearing it up.
Autumn has a petite oval face and can wear her hair in any arrangement. Her small gold looped earrings complement the color of her hair perfectly. I envision Autumn wearing warmer colors such as orange, coral, yellow, and rose.
Her eyebrows are gracefully arched, with concealer applied to the inner corners of her eyes. A well-blended smoky grey shadow gradually fades towards the outer areas. She wears eyeliner encircling her eyes, mascara, a touch of blush, and pink lip gloss.
Autumn Reeser - Medium length hairstyle for a petite face
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Autumn Reeser hairstyles