Long Brown Hair with Curls

Ana de la Reguera wearing her long brown hair styled with curls
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Ana de la Reguera was born as Anabell Gardoqui De La Reguera in Veracruz, Mexico. She is quite striking with her long brunette hair, designed in long layers below her shoulders. This might just be the hairstyle you're looking for.
First, ask yourself how tight you would like your curls. If you prefer a loose style and know your hair easily loses its curl, a good idea might be to use regular-sized rollers on clean, wet hair after applying a heavy styling gel. Start at the crown, rolling everything under as you go.
Move to the top, rolling everything back and to the sides vertically. Let your hair dry and gently brush it out with a wide-tooth comb, allowing it to fall naturally.
Ana de la Reguera's long curled hair
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Ana de la Reguera - Long hairstyle with curls
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Ana de la Reguera hairstyles