Short and Long Hair Look

Aly Michalka up-style - Short hair with a longer section look
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Aly Michalka wore her high-fashion platinum hair up with an uneven part, secured in the back, and then pulled over to one side in ribbed waves.
If you notice how her short side covers her ear, it almost appears as if her hair is short and the longer section is an add-on extension, as there is even a slight color difference. Use your imagination - when it comes to hair, the sky is the limit.
Aly Michalka - Semi upstyle and long gown
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Aly's makeup includes a well-blended foundation with blush and bronzer, well-kept thick eyebrows, heavy eyeliner, lots of eyelashes, mascara, and a light frosty pink lip tone.
Today, large lips are in. If you have thinner lips, you can outline them with a medium color but be sure to blend it with the inside lighter color. Remember, light expands and dark closes in.
Aly Michalka wearing her hair partly up and short on one side
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Aly Michalka hairstyles