Hair with Curls around the Neckline

Alison Brie - Hairstyle with curls around the neckline
Photo by PR Photos
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Alison Brie attended the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and Sony Pictures Television's presentation of Night School with "Community."
Her hair was styled in a smooth and casual artistic arrangement, flowing over to one side with a light rolling wave, and ending in tight curls that nestled around her neckline.
Alison's overall brunette hair color was enhanced with a few thin highlights, about three shades lighter than her natural brown, providing just enough contrast to maintain a natural appearance.
Her glorious smile adds a striking radiance to her deep blue eyes, which match the color of her dress. She is wearing a fair-toned foundational makeup. Her eyebrows are tweezed with a subtle arch and darkened to complement her brunette hair. She has thick eyeliner, with lashes and mascara, and concealer in the inner creases of her eyes.
Alison Brie wearing a blue zipper front dress
Photo by PR Photos
Tip: Most ladies wear concealer to cover the dark pigment that can detract from their beauty. One school of thought is to examine how close or far apart your eyes are.
Those dark tones can be a blessing in disguise if your eyes are a bit too far apart. In that case, it would be wise to use a medium-toned concealer, which would give the tones a warm color instead of white. If your eyes are too close together, opt for a lighter concealer because white expands.
See also: More Alison Brie hairstyles