Long Hair with an Unkempt Feel

Alexa Chung - Long hair with a messy unkempt feel
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Alexa Chung has a way of looking effortlessly glamorous. She can take any piece of clothing and turn it into the coolest outfit in the world. She looked absolutely stunning at the L'Oréal Professionnel Colour Trophy Awards in London.
Alexa rocked a gold mini dress with a high collar. Her locks are cut a couple of inches past the shoulders and slightly layered throughout, with face-framing layers around the front.
Alexa Chung's effortless long hairstyle
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Alexa Chung with bangs that fall right at the eye
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Her long hair has a slightly messy and unkempt feel to it, which has become a part of Alexa Chung's signature look. She always seems to be perfectly imperfect. Her bangs fall forward and are cut bluntly right above the eye.
Her bangs are really full and are pulled from the top of the head, which creates a bold statement. When bangs fall right at the eye, they always seem to add some mystery and chic drama. We love it!
Alexa Chung wearing a gold mini dress with a high turtleneck look collar
Photo by PR Photos
Her hair color is a deep, rich brown and fades down into a medium brown as it reaches the tips. Alexa Chung is always a fashion muse, and we think she looks inspirational from head to toe.
See also: More Alexa Chung hairstyles