Non-surgical Aesthetics

Non surgical aesthetics
Photo: Kazlouski Siarhei/Shutterstock
Q: What are non-surgical aesthetics?
A: Non-surgical aesthetics are procedures done by a professional which are minimally invasive to help improve the cosmetic appearance of the skin and body. There are many conditions which can be treated by this kind of procedure such as inch loss, lifting, body sculpting, wrinkle and line reduction, cellulite, stretch marks, scars, skin discoloration, spider veins, skin tightening, plumping, collagen promotion, anti aging treatments plus much more.
These types of procedures in the past could only be achieved by surgery or invasive procedures but due to our fast pace of life and the need for an express type of treatment the non-surgical methods are a lot more favorable as they can be performed in a short space of time or on your lunch breaks whilst at work. Non-surgical procedures require little or no downtime which enables us to carry straight on with our daily lives and tasks.
These procedures are more advanced than ever before which has made them more accessible and affordable for everybody. There is a large variety of treatments which are classified as non-surgical and it is important to research each type of procedure. A professional or expert can give advice on which type of treatment would work best for you and give you more control over your options.
A few types of treatments to mention are radio frequency skin tightening, photorejuvenation, cryolipolysis, laser therapy, ultrasonic body contouring, micro-current machine treatments, acoustic wave therapy for cellulite, microdermabrasion, chemical peeling plus a lot more. These procedures do not require general anesthesia and most of the time will not require a local or topical anesthetic either which gives the patient a sense of calm so they can enjoy and relax whilst being treated.
These treatments are becoming increasingly popular lately with celebrities stepping away from the knife and surgery and heading into a local clinic, hospital or some even in their own homes. Non-surgical aesthetics can greatly improve the quality of life for patients and give them back confidence which they may have lost over the years due to age, health or other lifestyle factors.
Without the hefty price tag or the worry of undergoing surgery plus downtime with weeks off from work and their normal daily activities or routines but with an option to still achieve great results non-surgical aesthetics are a very positive step forward for those who have found in the past they have been stuck without a way forward to help their own personal body issues.