The Lingering Question

You see him sitting on the couch, his eyes fixed on the TV screen in front of him as his hands rummage through the bowl of chips on his lap. You want to ask for his opinion about something vital and pertinent to your life, but you fear he will either give you a half-hearted reply or, even worse, be too opinionated. You wait patiently until the commercial break for his attention span to return to a functioning level.
You walk towards him with something you know will make him focus on you and encourage him to answer your important question. His eyes dazzle at the sight of the cold beer in your grasp. You have him exactly where you want him. Finally, you ask him the lingering question: "Honey, do you think I should cut my hair?"
If you want to take the plunge and change your hairstyle, you should make sure your partner has some input on the change. This way, if he hates it and screams at you, you can tell him it is partly his fault for not talking you out of it. To a man, a woman's hair is a major part of his initial attraction. The majority of men dream of getting their fingers lost in the tresses of a woman's long, lovely locks.

The poll proved that, although most women do seek opinions from their male counterparts, they rarely take the advice offered. Face it, girls, men just don't understand blow-dryer battles or fights with the frizzes. They cannot comprehend the tragedy of a bad hair day because they have hardly any hair! Although it is beneficial to know what your partner finds attractive, it is pointless to ask a man what you should do with your hair because only you know what works for you.
And men, here is a piece of advice for those of you who are reading this: Learn to say, "Regardless of what you decide to do, you will look beautiful!" That will certainly make her keep the beer and chips coming.
See also:
Why do men prefer long hair?
Reasons to cut your hair short
Reasons to let your hair grow long
Why women cut their hair
Is long hair worth the trouble?