Neckties for Trendy Women

The tie has become a part of women's fashion, and a lady wearing a tie can actually look simply stunning. I agree, you'll need some self-confidence to wear this mannish attire, but you will be amazed at the spice it will add to your look. There are numerous ways to wear, combine, and play with your tie.
These days, however, more relaxed ways of wearing a tie are popular. Women can wear it very loosely around an unbuttoned shirt collar, on top of a T-shirt or tank top, and even on top of a turtleneck. Almost everything is allowed, and some surprisingly stunning looks are being created.
Actually, a necktie should be an accessory that is part of every fashion-minded woman's wardrobe, replacing a necklace or another piece of jewelry. There are no rules when it comes to ties worn by women. Experiment with any combination you can think of, and you are sure to find great styles and gorgeous new looks.
How about combining a necktie with a polo shirt, or maybe even layering two polo shirts? There are many more options: a polo shirt with a button-front shirt, a shirt with a cardigan, a shirt with a V-neck sweater, two shirts, etc. Your imagination is the only limit!

Of course, you don't need to cut your hair short before you can wear a tie! Anyone can look good in a necktie. It's only a matter of experimenting and finding the style that suits you best. You don't even have to wear a real tie to achieve this look. Instead of a real tie, you can opt for a long scarf. Choose a soft silk or polyester scarf rather than a cotton or knitted one.
The big question for many is, "How do I tie a tie?" All those looks with beautiful men's shirts and ties are very attractive, but one thing that prevents many women from imitating the look is that they don't know how to tie a tie. Many boyfriends and fathers don't know how to tie a necktie properly, so it's only natural that young women don't know how to do it either.
Click here for some simple instructions on how to do it properly. However, women are fortunate and don't always need to tie their tie in the traditional way. Often, it's more attractive and fashionable to wear it loosely or with something other than a button-front shirt.