African-American Hair Care

African Hair Q&A
Answers to your questions about African hair and hairstyles, all of which are answered by a licensed cosmetologist: How do you flat iron African-American hair? How can I achieve waves in my naturally curly African hair?
Would thinning help to make African hair easier to manage? More...
Better Understanding African Hair
Contrary to what many people believe, there is a wide range of textures and wave patterns to be found among individuals of African descent.
African hair tends to have a more compact cuticle layer, making it more resistant to moisture and allowing it to retain moisture better. More...
Books about Black Hair
A selection of books about hair care and hairstyles for African-American women. "How to Grow Afro-Textured Hair to Maximum Lengths in the Shortest Time", "Natural Hair Care and Braiding",
"Hair Care Tips for African-American Hair". More...
Myths and Facts about African-Ethnic Hair
Learning to identify the hair types found among different races helps in understanding how stereotypes are formed. However, it is through the practical experience of working with hair of various ethnicities
that one can truly see that these stereotypes are often false. More...
The Special Needs of African Hair
We are all aware of the visible differences between the hair of individuals of African and Caucasian descent, including variations in texture, wave pattern, and color.
However, few people who are not African realize there are fewer visible differences. More...