Are Permanent Curls Right For You?

You can do a lot of things with perming solution. Perhaps you want long, luscious spiraled curls. Or maybe you just want some body. Maybe you have obnoxious natural "wings" that you have to straighten every day. Perming solution can also solve that problem. Here are some possibilities of what you can "permanently" do to your hair:
• Straighten curly hair
• Straighten difficult sections of hair (bangs, etc.)
• Weave perm (permed hair mixed with straight)
• Root perm (it adds lift to roots only)
• Stack perm (great for one length hair)
• Spiral perm
• Body perm
• Spot perm
1) What type of hair do you have?
2) Are there any physical factors that would affect whether or not the perm "takes"?
3) Do you really want a drastic change or just a little help with what you already have?
Your hair type will only determine how long the perm solution stays on your hair. Dark and coarse or light and thin, all types can get a perm. Your stylist will just adjust the time and/or perm rod size to suit it. Additionally, when considering your hair type, think about your current haircut. Some perms work better for hair that is all one length, and others are designed to work with hair that has layers or existing curl.
Be careful of deciding to get a perm immediately after a new cut. Cuts are usually not done to suit a perm afterward unless you specifically tell your stylist you may want to get a perm. Frequently, only a light trim is required before perming, and many stylists prefer to trim hair after the perm to remove any "fishhooks" or to perfect the shape.
Things that may affect your perm results are important to discuss with your stylist. Recent surgery, medications you take, and past drug use can influence how long your curls will last. Make sure you tell your stylist if you have had anesthesia, iron supplements, Retin-A, and any narcotics (particularly methamphetamine).
All of these can drastically inhibit the ability of your hair to hold a curl. Additionally, certain hormonal activities such as pregnancy and menopause can reduce the amount of time needed for your perming solution to be successful.
How much change do you want? Some people are fairly happy with their hair except for a few "flyaways" or other difficult spots. This is where hair straightening can be very useful. We all know that wavy and downright curly hair can be straightened, but your stylist can also "smooth out" only your difficult spots, if desired, just by combing perm solution through your hair! This won't actually pull out the hair, it just smooths out the hair, it just pulls out the wave or kink, etc.
The reverse can be done by getting a spot perm in which only certain areas are curled. Some nice curls around the face are easy, or you may find this desirable only at the roots for short hairstyles. This type of root perm usually produces no visible curl. It is similar to the volume created when your hair is blow-dried upside down.
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