Causes and Solutions for Greasy Hair (2)

Woman with greasy hair
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Hair care and hygiene
When washing your greasy hair, it is most important not to dry out your scalp even more or to agitate it in any way. Your sebaceous glands need to calm down and the best way to help them is to use very mild shampoos and as little stimulation as possible.
There are also many specialized shampoos on the market with more or less reported success stories. If you choose to buy one of them, try a small bottle or sample size first to see how your scalp reacts to it. Baby shampoo, perhaps with one or two drops of tea tree oil per wash, is a good and affordable alternative.
It will not help to wash the hair every day. That can actually give you the impression that things are getting worse. Wash it every other day or every third day and focus more on the hair itself than the scalp. Do not rub or massage your scalp if possible. As a rule of thumb, choose clear shampoos with a balanced pH. Opaque shampoos like balsam or special protein shampoos contain too many ingredients that will make your hair even heavier and greasier.
Make sure to rinse the shampoo out completely to avoid any irritating product buildup. Use lukewarm water for your rinse. Body temperature is the best.
When using a conditioner, do not apply it to the scalp. Keep it in the lower half of your hair only. If you have short hair, try to completely forgo the conditioner.
Quick fix
In between washes, you can minimize the oily look with the application of dry shampoo. You can easily make it yourself by mixing one part baking soda with one part cornstarch. Sprinkle on and brush out.
Beware the brush. Keep brushing to a minimum to not spread the oil around and also to not irritate your scalp more than necessary. Always keep brushes and combs sanitized.
Natural oil for hair care
Photo: Artem Podrez/Pexels
Natural remedies for greasy hair
As mentioned before, tea tree oil is among the gifts from Mother Nature that help with oily hair. Also reported for amazing results are rinses made out of rosemary, sage, or stinging nettle. Use about 2 tablespoons of the dried plants to one liter of boiling water, let steep for 20 to 30 minutes and use the cooled solution as a rinse after washing your hair.
Natural Aloe Vera might work great for you if applied directly to your scalp or a few drops of the essential oils of lemon, lemongrass, or mint added to your shampoo.
Fighting hair oil with oil
Since one of the main reasons for greasy hair is a dry scalp, one way to get rid of it is to keep the moisture up. This works best with a hot oil treatment on your scalp, about twice a month. You can use the store-bought tubes or check your pantry for healthy olive or coconut oils. Caution: do not heat them up too much! "Hot oil" does not mean scalding. Keep it just slightly above body temperature for a good and safe effect.
With the combination of a healthy diet and a conscious hair-care program, your chances are very good to fight your greasy hair and to soon show off a bouncy, healthy mane!