One-Length Long Haircut

Step by step guide on how to cut a one-length long haircut, from Steve Turner, This is a classical one-length haircut, creating a blanket of glossy hair with a sharp defined edge.

Before: Faye before the haircut.

Step 1: Section across the head from the tip of each ear, dissecting the head at the crown. Then take a centre point at the crown and section to the top of each temple, creating three triangles in the front.

Step 2: Apply the appropriate protective clothing.

Step 3: Take a central section in the back, then diagonal sections either side just above the occipital bone to behind the ear. Note that this section's thickness will vary according to the density and the quality of the hair and hairline.

Step 4: Stand your client, allowing the hair to fall in its natural position. It is important to create weight in this first section as it is your outline and guide for the rest of the cut.

Step 5: In order to control your section, use the comb and scissors with loose tension. Note that Steve uses his scissors behind the section and his comb in front.

Step 6: Position the comb as a guideline and then cut from the centre working out.

Step 7: Assess and refine your shape.

Step 8: Repeat this process with the next section, working towards the crown area.

Step 9: Always be careful to maintain and cut to your guideline.

Step 10: Next, incorporate the side triangle areas into the back section. Please note that the thickness of the first section will be determined by the perimeter hairline and the quality and density of the hair.

Step 11: Start in the centre of the section and work outwards, incorporating the side areas. Comb these side areas back and over the shoulders to maintain a square line. Please note that Steve is careful to be consistent in his method using his comb and scissors to create the same tension throughout his haircut.

Step 12: Repeat this process on the second side.

Step 13: Now work on the top triangle section. First create a section on the right hand side to account for the natural parting position which is slightly off centre. Working with the same procedure and over-direction over the shoulder, cut this section onto the line. Then work the same process with the final section.

Step 14: Next assess the shape.

Step 15: Then blow dry and apply suitable products for protection and finish. Dry the hair, mirroring the sections of the cut.

Step 16: Now the hair is dry, check and refine the line, keeping the hair over-directed back.

Finish: The finished look is a classical long one-length haircut, creating a blanket of glossy hair with a sharp defined edge.
Text and photos by MHD. Subscribe to view the training video!
See also:
How to cut long hair with reverse graduation
How to cut a long haircut
How to cut a long hairstyle with a perfectly tailored shape