Moving Elements

Easy hairstyles
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The idea behind this Intercoiffure Mondial collection is to discover new ideas and surprises. The styles represent a transition between borders, as hair is the ultimate expression of style and independence. The collection draws inspiration from various cultures, creating hairstyles that transcend all barriers.
The hairstyles in this collection are easily transformable, offering limitless possibilities with their layered locks. Embrace your wild side or opt for a more reserved hairdo for a romantic evening out. The "Elements" collection seeks to inspire, with looks that are wild and mysterious, giving each individual a sense of their own personality.
All elements are represented in these hairstyles. Fire is depicted through coloring effects, ice through short styles with cool blond colors, and air through breezy curls.

Air - Curly Hair

Free flowing short hairstyle with curls and layers
Short haircut with layers for curly hair
The first of the elements, Air, is represented by this young woman. The style features free-flowing curls and layers. This short hairstyle is elegant and flowery, symbolizing the gentle flow of a nice summer breeze.

Earth - Short Haircut

Side view of a short haircut with a natural expression
Beautiful short hair with layers
The short pixie haircut is chosen for this woman to represent the element of earth. This short and sleek hairstyle embodies the natural expression of the earth. Enhanced with gentle layers throughout, the cut is in perfect harmony with nature.

Ice - Semi-Short Hairstyle

Jagged semi-short hairstyle
Young style for semi-short hair
Short blonde hair with gray streaks
Semi-short fashion hairstyle with layers
This young woman is showcasing the Ice hairstyle from the Elements collection. This look is extreme, mirroring the nature of the element it represents.
A somewhat short-layered style adds a sense of lightness, while the jagged and undone appearance mimics the formation of ice.

Fire - Flamboyant Waves

Short hair with layers and waves
The element of fire is sensual and sexy, represented through magnificent hair coloring effects. The short haircut is styled in waves to symbolize the burning hot flames of fire. Truly the most dangerous of the elements, this look captures the sensation of fire.

Fire - Sleek Male Hairstyle

Sleek long hairstyle for men
Fire is once again represented in the hairstyle worn by this young man. The haircut is long and sleek, offering expression for a man caught between the business world and nature.
Hairstyle Photos: © Intercoiffure Mondial
Artistic Team:
Erico Suzuki - Japan
Krister Hertzbrg - Sweden
François Mazeau - France
Lee McConnell for Willi Kuhn - Switzerland
John Gialluisi for Mario Tricoci - America
See also: Short hairstyles | Medium hairstyles | Men's hairstyles