Hair and Genes

A: There has long been the notion that hair genetics are gender based. In other words, that if your mom has very little hair or carries the baldness gene; you’d also go bald with age. Some boys are starting to lose their hair as early as 17. This is also what many of us have been taught in our school biology classes.
Your hair’s structure also does not depend on only one gene. Scientists say that your hair’s appearance depends at least on 10 to 20 different genes, but it may be much more than that! They are continually realizing that human genetics are far more complex than we can really imagine.
Thus, you inherit characteristics from both your mother and your father. There is no substantial evidence to prove that your hair’s appearance is gender based; or that anyone’s hair will end up looking like their mom’s hair. Also, environmental factors play a huge role in this. You have no control over genetics, but you can control some of your environmental influences.
For example, if your mom’s hair receded or fell out at a young age, you might want to take into consideration whether she lived in a place with very hard water. Too much salt or other minerals in the water that can damage hair. Check whether she had a poor diet or whether she stresses easily or had a huge shock (such as the death of a loved one). All of these situations could cause severe hair loss, etc.
You have more control over these things. You can lower stress factors by engaging in healthy stress-relief activities such as running, meditation or talking to a therapist. You can resolve to always follow a balanced, healthy diet and take care of your hair with the correct products, etc. Nothing is cast in stone. There is no incontestable proof to back the myth that your hair will look just like your mother’s hair.
See also:
Hereditary hair color
Twins and hair colors
Hair swirls and handedness