Greasy Hair in Winter

A: In winter, there’s a lot of moisture in the air, which collects around the hair in micro particles. This moisture build-up makes the hair seem super greasy even when your hair is still supposed to be clean.
Also, we wear hats and scarves around our necks and heads in the winter. We sweat very easily on our scalp, which means that the hair actually does get sweaty and greasy due to sweat build-up.
Another thing that will contribute to hair looking dirty faster is the fact that we tend to use a lot more products on our hair in the winter to stop frizziness and attempt to keep the hair shiny and straight. These products have a silicone basis, which will make hair look shinier and straight in the short term, but after a day or two the hair will look tacky and dirty.
See also:
Causes and solutions for oily hair
Winter hair care
Hair breakage in fall and winter