Neck Wrinkles and Lines

Hairstyle to hide neck wrinkles
Photo: Zhur Sa/Shutterstock
Q: I'm 47 years old, and I already have some neck wrinkles and lines. A friend told me that I would look younger with a short haircut.
Is short hair a good decision when you want to look younger? My hair is shoulder length now, and I was convinced that it was a good hairstyle to look young because it hides some of the wrinkles.

A: The fact is that it's a matter of degrees. The best choice in hairstyles to look younger is one that is flattering to your face and features. You cannot simply say "a short haircut" or "a perm" will make someone look younger.
If, as you say, your strongest sign of age is the presence of lines and wrinkles at the neck, then going shorter may not be the most flattering style for you. However, if the lines and wrinkles at the neck are accompanied by a general trend toward vertical lines in the face or jowl-like lines along the jaw, having a longer style could over-emphasize the look of these lines.
It's really a balancing act, and your best chance is to talk to your stylist about a professional opinion on the matter. It may be that you only need to shorten your hair slightly, and that a change in color or tone would better serve your needs.
See also:
Choosing a hairstyle for the mature woman
A look at long hair and the mature woman
Hair tips for looking younger
Do bangs make you look older?