Ready for Short hair

Young woman who looks ready to cut her hair short
Photo: Depositphotos
Q: How does a woman know when she is ready for short hair when her hair is long?
A: That's purely a matter of personal preference. Women make the choice to go from long hair to short for many different reasons.
Some women decide to go with short hair after big changes in their lives: divorce, long illness, menopause, childbirth, etc. Some women make the decision because they want the convenience of shorter hair: less styling time on average, less styling product used, cooler body temperature, etc.
For some women, it's purely a matter of wanting something completely different with regard to their look. For most women, long hair represents either a style they have always had, or a long period of work and dedication growing out their hair.
Some women only keep their long hair because of loved one's wishes (a husband, lover, parent) and when that individual gives his or her blessing or is no longer a part of their daily life, the woman will get her hair cut to the length she is most happy with.
The key is to decide what you want. Having shorter hair is different from having long hair. Some women aren't sure they will be happy with it. In some cases, it's that they can't imagine how they will look with the shorter style. I recommend for these women that they try hairstyles software where they can get sample images of themselves in a variety of styles according to what they want.
See also:
Is short hair boring?
Reasons to cut your hair short
Look younger with short hair
How to convince your husband to allow you to have short hair