Gwyneth Paltrow's Short Hairstyle

Q: I have two questions in one, actually. The first question is: if I wanted Gwyneth Paltrow's short hair style in the movie Sliding Doors, what exactly should I ask my hair stylist to do?
The second question is: how do I know if my face shape is compatible with the hair cut? Thanks in advance.
A: Well, the short hairstyle Gwyneth Paltrow wears in Sliding Doors is a modified pixie-cut.
Well, without knowing your face shape and the balance of your facial features and build, I cannot make a determination on whether this haircut would suit you. However, it's best to remember that the purpose of a hairstyle is to create a balanced flattering look for the individual.
If your hair is similar in texture, density and wave pattern to that of Ms. Paltrow, and you are of the same general face shape and build, you can probably wear the style with no fear of looking bad.
You should avoid this style if:
A) You have a heavy-set face or your face is jowly or bottom-heavy.
B) Your jawline is wider than your forehead; or you have prominent features, such as a large or long nose, overly wide or full lips, or small and close-set or widely spaced overly large eyes.
C) You are very tall and angular in build, or you have a bulky physique.
A good stylist will be willing to give you an objective assessment of your face shape and feature balance, and will be best able to tell you if the style you want is going to be unsuitable for you. He/she can also make suggestions that might give you the appearance you are seeking, that take into account the individual needs of your face/features/build.
See also:
Gwyneth Paltrow with shorter hair
Hairstyles for the different face shapes
How to choose the right pixie cut for yourself
The facial features needed for very short gamine haircuts