Sharon Stone's Shag Haircut

Sharon Stone with a simple to style hairstyle
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It looks like Sharon Stone has gotten some vitamin D, as she has a lovely tan. We can always count on Sharon to try new things with her hair, and this time, it appears to be cut in a shag style. The back is the longest section that would fall below the collar. The sides are cut over the ears, and the top falls into an easy slide with a continued long straight effect.
More and more, we can see Sharon leaning toward easier, shorter hairstyles, ones that are simple to do yourself. We know that she isn't one to spend hours primping in front of the mirror. She has more important ways to spend her time.
Sharon uses a lot of bronzing on her face to blend in with her tan and maintains a natural appearance with brushed brows, concealer, light warm eyeshadow, eyeliner, lashes, and mascara. Her lip color tends to fall in the pinkish taupe hue. I would put Sharon in a turquoise or rose color; gray is not necessarily her best feature.
Sharon Stone with her hair in a shag cut that grabs the collar
Photo by PR Photos
Sharon Stone - Simple shag hairstyle with the sides over the ears
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More short hairstyles