Emily Mortimer's Hair

Emily Mortimer - Hairstyle with the top hair tucked under the side hair
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Emily Mortimer's long brown hair has been curled and styled in sections, which you can observe if you look closely, particularly around the top and side part. Both sections of hair have been tucked under the side hair, with the hair on one side tucked under the top hair, while the hair on the other side falls over into loose curls.
There appears to be a substantial amount of texture to Emily's hair to successfully execute this hairstyle. If you need assistance with this hairstyle, there is a product called body texturizer that can help create the necessary texture in your hair and strengthen and rebuild any limpness you may have at the same time.
Emily is wearing a light, milky foundation with barely a blush on her cheeks, eyeliner, mascara, and just a hint of shadow, along with a medium coral rose lip tint. Tip: Eyeliners do not make your eyes larger; in fact, they have the opposite effect, as they weigh down the eye. Eyeliner tends to close in the eyes because it is usually black. Black draws in or deepens, while white opens, lifts up, and expands. Emily's eyes would have appeared larger without her eyeliner, perhaps with just a smudge along the bottom of her eyes.
Emily Mortimer with curled hair
Photo by PR Photos
Emily Mortimer
Photo by PR Photos
The thick jeweled necklace is a real addition to her look, and with her hair styled in an upswing, it would have shown it off much better.
See also: More medium hairstyles