Jennifer Connelly's Long Straight Hair

Jennifer Connelly's long straight hair with angled sides
Photos by PR Photos
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Jennifer Connelly enthralls us with her captivating face and long, straight, dark hair, which is angled around the sides. A candidly straight part brings a true echo of the flower generation in the sixties.
The steely blue sheen on her hair creates a striking contrast to the warmer sections. Take note of the thick sections of hair that mass around her style; this is achieved with blow-drying and applying gel, followed by a heavy smoothing cream after the hair is dry.
Jennifer's makeup enhances her natural beauty. Her thick brows contribute to a soft, rich appearance, typically not seen with thinner eyebrows. Tip: when tweezing your brows, consider how they accentuate your eyes before going too thin. When using a pencil, always use light, wispy strokes, never a hard line.
The dressy snowflake strapless dress that Jennifer is wearing complements the color of her eyes, skin, and dark hair. I might suggest adding a silver platinum thin chain around her neck for added elegance.
See also: More Jennifer Connelly hairstyles