Hair with Large Lush Curls

Amy Adams - Long hair with large curls
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Cameras flashed at the 4th Annual Women in Film Pre-Oscar Cocktail Party as Amy Adams posed for the paparazzi. Her long hair was styled in large, lush, curls and waves, with one side draped over her shoulder.
There was a short centered part that revealed a good portion of her natural hair color, with small, thin lines of gold and caramel. She wore a stunning gray-blue partly suede dress with a deep v center. The color was just enough of a contrast to make her eyes pop.
Amy accentuated her eyes with well-blended makeup, as we all should do. She used small, minor penciled lines to define her thick brows. In case you haven't noticed, thick eyebrows are very much in vogue!
Amy Adams - Long hairstyle with curls
Photo by PR Photos
Amy lined her eyes with navy blue eyeliner and wore light blue eyeshadow. Her lids were also thickly lined with black eyeliner, and she had lashes coated with mascara. There was the slightest tinge of pink on her cheeks over her light foundation, and she wore a matte pink rose lip color.
Tip: Always remember, thick eyebrows give you a softer and younger appearance. Have you noticed Jennifer Lopez? She's sporting thick eyebrows! She looks softer and much younger. Therefore, if you're wearing thin eyebrows, think again.
Amy Adams look
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Amy Adams hairstyles