Christina Ricci's Hair with Bangs

Christina Ricci - Youthful hairstyle with bangs that touch the eyebrows
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Chestnut brown hair is most appealing when worn with a youthful flair, like Christina Ricci's. Her bangs lightly brush her eyebrows in a textured manner and angle just slightly upon her temples, mixing in with a few thin tendrils along the sides.
A ponytail never looked so good, especially paired with the brilliance of her bright orange shirt that helps bring out the amber in her eyes. An unusual combination is the glittering gray eyeshadow that covers the bottom eyelid, complemented by a light warm shadow on the top lid.
Her eyebrows are neatly groomed, and she wears light eyeliner, lashes, and mascara, along with a light tawny pink lip color that enhances her winning smile.
Christina Ricci wearing her chestnut brown hair in a ponytail
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Christina Ricci
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More long hairstyles