Aubrey Plaza's Hair with Bangs

Aubrey Plaza wearing a classical long hairstyle with bangs
Photo by PR Photos
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Aubrey Plaza is wearing the classical smooth and glossy lines that come from a long, straight hairstyle. Her hair could be naturally oily to have such sheen. The bangs were a good idea as they put a spotlight on her striking brown eyes.
Tip: Customized textured bangs will always make you look younger. If this particular hairstyle appeals to you, my suggestion would be, after you have washed, rinsed, conditioned, and dried your hair, use a flat iron or large round curling iron to smooth out the cuticles of the hair as pictured.
Aubrey has naturally thick eyebrows, which automatically gives her a soft, natural appearance. There are smoky shadows in the outer creases of her eyes, eyeliner on both the upper and lower lash lines, a touch of blush, and a pastel pink lip gloss. Her gold dangly earrings harmonize very well with her satin navy blue strapless gown.
Aubrey Plaza - Long straight and glossy hairstyle
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More long hairstyles