Sandra Bullock's Curled Ponytail

Sandra Bullock wearing her hair in a ponytail
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The fascination with Sandra Bullock's beautiful brown eyes has caused quite a stir. Her hair is quite thick and hangs very heavily, regardless of the hairstyle. We can see she has golden blonde streaks in her deep brown hair.
SShe has about a 5 cm or 2-inch new growth of her natural brown hair that looks completely delightful against the enchantment of her eyes. She is wearing her hair away from her face, pulled into a ponytail with loose curls falling down her back.
Tip: Most of the time, your eyes look their best next to your natural hair color. Sandra Bullock is a good example of this very thing. She has dark eyes, and her dark hair accentuates them, not the golden blonde streaks. Think twice before getting highlights and consider whether they will complement your eyes or detract from their attractiveness.
Sandra Bullock's hairstyle with a curled ponytail
Photo by PR Photos
Bullock wears a lot of bronzer with light/dark eyeshadow, medium brows, lashes, mascara, eyeliner both above and below, and a neutral flesh-toned lip tint.
They say that black is back, but I don't think it ever left. Sandra is wearing an unusual black gown with one thick strap and one skinny strap, adorned in between with a mix of what appears to be pewter and pearls, and no earrings.
See also: More Sandra Bullock hairstyles