Mena Suvari's Hair with Flipped Bangs

Mena Suvari - Short hair with flip up bangs
Photo by PR Photos
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Mena's short hair has a lot of volume, with round bangs that flip up on the ends, a round crown, and piecy coils on the sides. Her hair features a series of dark brown, light golden brown, and thin strands of blonde, with the light golden brown being the dominant theme.
Her hairstyle can be achieved with conventional rollers to add volume. When rolling your wet hair, roll the rollers towards the face at a slant, edging to one side as pictured. Use medium to large-sized rollers. The sides can be rolled vertically, or you can also purchase coiled rollers in different lengths and sizes for your hair.
Mena Suvari wins the medal for wearing the most naturally appearing makeup. She wears light warm shadow, possible lashes, mascara, lightly penciled brows, eyeliner, and a touch of blush and coral lip tint.
See also: More short hairstyles