Salma Hayek's Hair

Salma Hayek - Black hair with spiral curls
Photo by PR Photos
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People like Salma Hayek and me spend most of our time screening bodyguards to keep annoying fans from invading our personal lives. We just cannot help it if we are beautiful. We were born that way! By the way, this is a half-truth, and I'll leave it to you to decide which half.
Seriously, I am going to tell you up front that Salma wears makeup too, just like the rest of us gals! But, she has this awesome natural beauty that many of us envy (not to mention her waistline).
Her hair is so black it is blue and cut in long layers that have been spiraled at the ends. The epitome of health. I think her hair would glow by the light of the moon. In fact, that sounds like a song I could write.
Salma's organic appearance includes coveted olive skin with bits of bronzing on her face, taupe shadow, and light-enhanced lip tint. When someone looks this good, all heads turn as they generate dazzling admiration every time they walk into a room.
Salma Hayek - Long hair with spiraled ends
Photos by PR Photos
See also: More Salma Hayek hairstyles