Maria Menounos' Hair with Spirals

Maria Menounos with her curly hair styled to one side
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Maria Menounos' natural hair ranges from medium to dark brown, with thin highlights of light bronze and gold scattered throughout her hairstyle. Her part essentially begins in the center and circles around so that the left side is heavier, but the right side compensates for it in the front. This is one of the latest fashion trends for hair parts.
A side or center part is no longer as straightforward as it once was; it's now more of a semi-circle. Her hairstyle transitions into a subtle wave before culminating in spiraled curls. To achieve this look, simply roll your hair with medium-length spiral rollers, using wrapping papers to smooth the ends. Once dry, spray and fluff the curls a bit, then sweep your hair over to one side, as shown in Maria's picture, and secure it with a hairpin.
There are faces that radiate warmth and sincerity, and Maria's falls into that category. She boasts delightfully arched natural or penciled brows, light pearl and warm shadows, precise eyeliner both above and below the eyes, luscious lashes and mascara, subtle bronzing and blush, and a neutral pink or coral lip color.
Maria Menounos hairstyle with spiraled curls
Photo by PR Photos
Tip: Notice how Maria's brown eyes seem to sparkle? It's because of the light blue liner in the inner corners of her eyes! Just an old trick of the trade!
See also: More long hairstyles