Kherington Payne's Short Hair

Kherington Payne - Short hair with a tapered back
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Professional dancer Kherington Payne was born on January 26, 1990, in Whittier, California, and continues to strive to be the best in her field in Placenta, California.
Her short hairstyle features a tapered cut in the back, allowing for flips and springs. The sides angle down into a longer length around the face, while the top is styled into a bulky straightness that falls over Payne's forehead.
The excitement generated by Payne's beautiful green eyes is contagious, emphasized by thick, lush brows, dark smoky green eyeshadow, mascara, eyeliner, generous bronzing, and a natural earth-tone lip color.
Kherington plays it safe with a sophisticated black dress that covers her neck and front, providing a good contrast with her blonde hair color.
Kherington Payne's short hairstyle with sides that angle down
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Kherington Payne's short haircutn
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See also: More short hairstyles