Evan Rachel Wood's Hair

Evan Rachel Wood - Curled hair for a 1930s look
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Evan Rachel Wood exudes an air of calm, cool, and collected confidence as we admire her smooth panels of hair. The short side part is directed over the edge of one eye, with a curled loop framing her face. The other side of her long hair is fully curled as well and tucked behind her ear.
Her hair color features a background of strawberry blonde with lighter strands of blonde and darker cinnamon tones. Feel free to apply generous amounts of setting spray as you use your medium-sized curling iron. Begin curling from the area around your eyes.
Evan's makeup exudes a rich sophistication, slightly evoking a vampish allure. Light shadow begins in the corners of her eyes, blending into darker shades on the lids and framed by heavy liner on both the top and bottom.
Thick brows soften her image, while her beautiful rosy watermelon-tinted lips add a hint of 1930s glamour. Paired with her plunging neckline and array of necklaces, I envision her hair styled in a fashionable chignon or a series of finger waves, capturing a stronger thirties-inspired image.
Evan Rachel Wood with her hair styled for a retro look
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Evan Rachel Wood hairstyles