Marcia Cross' Long Red Hair

Redheaded Marcia Cross with long hair
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Our Desperate Housewife, Marcia Cross, comes across as unapproachable yet impeccable. Marcia is like a redheaded Barbie doll, always looking neat, no matter what she decides to wear.
Although I doubt the fiery red color she wears on her hair is natural, it suits her quite well. Her fair skin tones are suitable for her to pass as a natural redhead. Marcia's hair is cut in a blunt style with an angle designed for the long bangs to be swept over to one side, as pictured.
Her style is simple yet elegant. Just use your round or flat brush, sweeping long strokes through your hair as you blow dry. Always finish with a spritz of gloss and a touch of moisturizer to counteract any heat damage from the dryer.
Marcia Cross wearing a long red blunt haircut
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Marcia Cross hairstyles