Christie Brinkley's Hair

Christie Brinkley - Long blonde hair slipped behind the ear
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We are familiar with Christie Brinkley's long blonde hair styled with her side panel that flows smoothly, eventually transitioning into curls and waves that frame one side of her face. The other side is brushed back and tucked behind her ear, blending with the rest of her curls at the back.
The distinguishing feature of this side section compared to others is the notable slip of hair brought over from the heavier section in the front, bridging into the lighter side. Therefore, it's not just a normal side part.
When you begin to roll your hair for this unique hairstyle, don't forget that small piece. Take a small roller and roll it in the opposite direction it would normally go. Use large rollers, not jumbos. Brush thoroughly, smooth the top over, and allow the curls and waves to fall naturally. Spritz a little gloss for sheen.
Christie Brinkley
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Christie Brinkley hairstyles