Christina Moore's Hair

Christina Moore - Long hair with curls plunging down her back
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Christina Moore's long hair cascades into curls down her back and below her shoulders. The layers are long and sectioned to frame her temple and blend with the rest of her hair. Light, warm brown ribbons enhance her blonde hair color and natural appearance.
Generously apply gel before blow-drying and use a setting spray when curling. There are inexpensive curling irons available for this task. Hairspray will also help hold the curls.
Small, wispy strokes on her brows and a light, smoky mauve shadow with a lower blue liner and a darker upper liner, along with mascara, look stunning on Christina. A natural pinkish tone for lip color and an even, fair blush on her cheeks give us the impression of a high school cheerleader!
Side view of Christina Moore's long curly hairstyle
Photos by PR Photos
Christina Moore
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Christina Moore hairstyles