Ali Larter's Foiled Blonde Hair

Ali Larter with long and foiled blond hair
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Celebrity Ali Larter used to be a model before she decided to take acting lessons. She is wearing a gray evening dress with a small tinge of green running through it, which we find completely agreeable with her blonde hair.
Styled in long layered dips, her hair is also heavily foiled with pale blonde slices, more in the front area than in the back. Her new growth appears to be medium brown mixed with sprigs of gray. We all get it, ladies, silver really can be quite beautiful when properly taken care of.
With this in mind, it is possible to achieve this look for yourself. Begin with a clean, dry head of hair and part it in the center, just as you see Ali's, and section off the top mixed in with the sides with a clip.
Section off the crown and start on your lower back using a large curling iron, large hot rollers, or large regular rollers - whichever you prefer - and roll everything under. Do the same with the crown, making a checkerboard pattern as you go. On the top and sides, roll going back vertically. When dry, brush lightly and spray.
Just a tip: if you are looking for more fluff and bounce in the crown area, have your hairdresser cut it a bit shorter.
Ali Larter hair
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Ali Larter wearing an off the shoulder dress
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See also: More Ali Larter hairstyles