Naomi Watts's Blunt-Cut Hair

Naomi Watts - Medium length hairstyle for light blonde hair
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Although Naomi Watts has a lot of English/Australian heritage, her fair looks remind us of someone with a Scandinavian background. Her light blonde hair is another factor that points to a Nordic heritage, even though her natural color may not be quite that light.
She is wearing her hair in a traditional medium-length blunt cut hairstyle, parted in the middle. Her blonde hair would stand out more if she were wearing something with more color, like rose or turquoise.
Her makeup delights us with a light feathered brush of blush/bronzer, giving the picture of a light tan. There are lightly toned eyebrows with a few penciled strokes involved, concealer, beige eyeshadow, eyeliner, lashes, and mascara, ending with an attractive light pale pink lip tone.
Naomi Watts with medium length blunt cut hair
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More medium hairstyles