Maggie Grace's Blonde Hair

Maggie Grace - Blonde hair with dark streaks
Photo by PR Photos
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Maggie Grace has one of the healthiest heads of blonde hair. There is a higher concentration of blonde on the outer shaft of her hair, while underneath, it appears to be a light, warm brown. Upon closer inspection, we can also see matching dark streaks throughout her long hair.
She is wearing a conventional high side part, with most of the bulk from the top cascading over to dip along the side and coil with the rest of her hair. The other side is combed behind her ear.
There may be a new trend emerging in Hollywood with eyebrows, as many celebrities are penciling their brows quite long now, as we can see in Maggie's picture. Personally, I find it very attractive and reminiscent of the sixties era. She is also wearing warm-toned eyeshadow, eyeliner, lashes, mascara, blush, and a medium neutral lip tint.
The colors of her dress are perfect to complement her blonde hair, with navy blue, white, and pink bringing a wholesome and homespun look to Maggie..
Maggie Grace's hairstyle with a high side part
Photo by PR Photos
Maggie Gracewearing a dress
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More long hairstyles