Audrina Patridge's Updo

Audrina Patridge - Updo with the hair brushed to one side
Photo by PR Photos
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Audrina Patridge has gorgeous reddish-brown hair with slices of gold and dark brown panels throughout her hairstyle.
With all of her hair brushed over to one side, the stylist has creatively brought the whole of her hair into many large rolls, being careful not to make it too neat but allowing a few stray thin wisps of hair to have their way. The bangs are combed over from the part into the straight mode we see today, across her face to interlace with the roll on the side.
For the most part, today's hairstyles are not arranged to have a neater-than-neat look; there are usually poufs of hair purposely escaping from the hairstyle or thin wisps of hair that look like they need to be combed somewhere on the model's head. Try this updo for yourself and don't worry if it looks unkempt; you'll be right in style.
Audrina Patridge wearing her hair up
Photo by PR Photos
Audrina has stunning light golden-brown eyes. If you are someone who doesn't especially care about the color brown, one look at Audrina's eyes will change your mind. The makeup she is wearing includes orange/brown shadow, eyeliner, lashes and mascara, bronzing/blush, and bright orange lip tint.
Seriously, take a good look at her bright orange lip tint. I personally feel she can get away with it quite successfully, but someone like Angelina Jolie, no way!
See also: More Audrina Patridge hairstyles