Katy Perry's Medium-Length Hair

Katy Perry - Medium-length black hair with waves
Photo by PR Photos
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Katy Perry has stunning medium-length raven-black hair filled with beautiful waves that bring out the most of her striking blue eyes. Her hair is cut in long layers, close to one length.
To style, begin at the top, rolling the hair over to the side and under. Follow this technique all over the head, brush out, and allow the waves to form as you comb into shape. It's okay if it bounces a bit; your hair will relax after a little while.
Katy's makeup begins with a foundation cover, a smoky brownish-taupe shadow starting about halfway above the eyes, a light glittery shadow creasing inside the eye, heavy upper eyeliner, lashes, and mascara, lovely penciled brows emphasizing her own, bronzing/blush, and light pink lip tint.
The concentration is on the beauty of her eyes, and there is no doubt that her hair color and cut play a significant role in the overall look. Another plus is the platinum-colored drop earrings that also accentuate her hair.
See also: More Katy Perry hairstyles