Saffron Burrows' Long Hair

Saffron Burrows with long reddish brown hair
Photo by PR Photos
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Saffron Burrows has a willowy, streamlined long hair look that long-legged models have, matching their long necks. Her hair color is a rich reddish-brown with a golden shade of red on the ends.
There are long, pieced bangs that wind over her brows, moving close to her eyes. Her hair is cropped with long layers and long angles along her face. A light, fluffy blow dry with your hands and you are ready to go.
Saffron's makeup is light and airy with translucent foundation, shadows, and blush. Eyeliner with light brows and a neutral lip shade all make her a candidate for the green movement.
She is wearing a black dress with a peek-a-boo net top. Although it may be peek-a-boo, there is plenty of modesty sewn into the lining attached to the dress.
See also: More long hairstyles