Debra Messing's Center-Parted Hair

Debra Messing wearing her long hair straight and center-parted
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Debra Messing keeps her hair tinted a coppery red that brings out the pink tones of her skin. There are times when she wears her hair in an upswing with rivulets of curls messed about her head or down with an array of coils and curls. In the photo, we can see how her long hair is center-parted and styled straight.
I like Ms. Messing with the curls best; they make her look livelier. Interestingly, Debra's eyes sometimes appear to be brown or, as pictured, more of a hazel color. This may have to do with the tone of her hair at the time or the color of her dress.
Her makeup is simply applied with light eyeliner, thin brows, mascara, bits of warm blush, and rose/coral lip tint. Her dark dress is a practical pick for the color of her hair.
Debra Messing with coppery red hair
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Debra Messing hairstyles