Deborah Gibson's Hair with Bangs

Deborah Gibson - Hairstyle with long angled sides and tweaked bangs
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The magic in Deborah Gibson's smile is part of her charisma, and much of this has to do with the way her hair has been cut. Her tweaked bangs have textured, irregular ends that create a carefree first impression.
The long angled sides give a healthy glow of fluff that covers her neckline. Beige blonde, light and medium browns, and touches of caramel are interwoven in slices of hair that enhance her happy-go-lucky appearance.
Ms. Gibson's star-shaped earrings and necklace complement the glitter and sparkle in her picture. Heavy black eyeliner dominates her beautiful face, along with a tanned peachy blush matched by her lip tint.
Deborah Gibson's hair with irregular bangs
Photo by PR Photos
Sometimes, you get the feeling that a person is just as warm and beautiful inside as they are outside.
See also: More Deborah Gibson hairstyles