Andie MacDowell's Hair

Andie MacDowell hairstyle with curls and waves
Photo by PR Photos
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We see Andie MacDowell's well-known face everywhere - on magazine covers and in movies. Usually, we see her with her long, luscious dark brown hair that always complements her incredible smile.
This time, we can see that Andie has lightened sections of her hair by about four levels. She is more mature now and still looks outstanding with her rolling waves and curls that dip below her shoulders and rest upon her back.
Although you may not be an 'Andie,' if this image appeals to you, roll your hair with conventional rollers and allow it to dry. Brush out your hair and let the waves and curls lie naturally. When you look at Andie and her hair, think moisturizing conditioners! Because she actually models her hair, she lives and breathes moisturizers: moisturizing shampoos, conditioners, and leave-in conditioners.
Andie MacDowell with long hair and curls that dip below the shoulders
Photo by PR Photos
Moisturizing gels, sprays, and setting lotions will all help keep your hair fully hydrated. Tip: Drink plenty of water, as this too will contribute to good hair, fewer wrinkles, and less weight.