Hilary Swank's Pixie Cut Hair

Hilary Swank with her hair in a pixie
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Guess who is sporting a cute short haircut? You guessed it, Hilary Swank herself, and she has the smile to go along with her beautiful pixie cut. Plenty of volume is gained with this type of cut, which begins with a fairly close crop that hugs above the collar of the neckline and around the ears.
The hair staggers into lengths when you move your comb upward into the crown, upper sides, and top, creating the bounce we see in the pictures. With a simple flick of your hands when you blow dry, you will automatically transform your hair into an image of sauciness and youth with such a perfect haircut! Yes, I did say youth! Nine times out of ten, shorter hair will make us look younger.
I have visions of Ms. Swank manning the tiller of her yacht while her hair blows in the wind, complete with this lovely wide smile, and her hair still looks outrageously good! She could walk the beach in a hurricane and look untouched, unlike some of us whose follicles would expand to the width of three football fields and look like the bygone days of Janis Joplin. Don't fight it; just go get the haircut.
Hilary Swank's short haircut
Photo by PR Photos
Hilary Swank's pixie cut
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Hilary Swank hairstyles