Anne Hathaway's Messy Hair Look

Anne Hathaway - Medium long hair styled for a just out of bed look
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It looks like Anne Hathaway just got out of bed and forgot to comb her hair! She is right on trend, as this is the look for today. This is a tousled and tumbled appearance, achieved by taking your hands and messing your hair up, spraying a little bit under the hair shaft, and then catching the train for work.
Long layers travel from the higher sectioning in the crown and tip the edge of her shoulders. A large curling iron creates the gentle dips we see along her sides, which frame her neck. Strawberry golden slices around her face reflect the sunny rays that flow in from the window.
Being fair-complexioned, Anne is another advocate of transparent makeup. Everything appears to be barely there, except for her eyeliner and neutral lip tint. The art of applying heavy makeup in a way that gives the illusion of no muss and no fuss is truly an art.
Anne Hathaway wearing her hair in a messy style
Photo by PR Photos
It's almost like carrying only lipstick in your purse. What a dream world! I know women who carry small suitcases of makeup to keep up appearances.
See also: More Anne Hathaway hairstyles