Eva LaRue's Hair

Eva LaRue - Long hairstyle with tri-color hair coloring
Photos by PR Photos
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Long, silky layers with a rainbow of cinnamon browns, blondes, and darker browns drift just below Eva LaRue's shoulders, revealing the planned strategy of the tricolor in her hair, with the dark in the background, followed by gold and blonde. A side section brings the top hair over with a few strands dangling about the eye.
This is a nice length to wear if you desire to keep your long hair in a few layers and still be able to dress it up with an updo. You could also have it brought up to the first layer we see on the sides and still have the same versatility.
Eva's white teeth sparkle through the peach coral lip tint and the golden glow on her face. There is a grayish smoky blue shadow above and under her lower lashes, accompanied by dark eyeliner as well. Mascara and a light blending in the brows, along with bronzing, give our girl that overall healthy look.
A super nice touch is the modest dress bedecked with different colored stones that complement her hair.
Eva LaRue with tri-colors hair
Photo by PR Photos
Eva LaRue
Photo by PR Photos
See also: More Eva LaRue hairstyles