Sam Phillips with Tri-tones Hair

Sam Phillips - Blonde hair and glasses
Photo by PR Photos
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Sam Phillips rocks a chic look with her glasses, complemented by her long, smooth, and straight blonde hair. Her hair falls in layers below her shoulders, featuring a popular center part with bangs delicately framing her brows.
Her hair color boasts tri-tones of cinnamon and dark blondes, creating a natural and effortless appearance reminiscent of sun-kissed highlights. This "born-with-it" look, coupled with the allure of spending ample time on the beach, keeps hair colorists busy in salons concocting unique blends for each client, ensuring a stunningly different and individualized result that stands out on the street.
Choosing a hair color should be as personal and tailored as selecting a dress, reflecting your personality and lifestyle. After all, nobody wants to walk into a party and spot someone across the room wearing the same dress, especially if she happens to be thinner! The horror!
Sam Phillips with a tri-tones hair color
Photo by PR Photos
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