Amanda Holden's Ombre Hair

Amanda Holden's ombre hair color
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Amanda Holden arrived at the TV Choice Awards in London with her A-game. She was sporting the quintessential little black dress and fabulous animal print pumps, which provided a level of sophistication and class, but not as much as her hair did that evening.
Her trendy ombre hair color certainly brings a modern flair and is essentially achieved using a balayage technique with three different shades along the hair shaft. The root area is, of course, the darkest, and her strands become progressively lighter towards the ends.
Amanda's sophisticated and polished shag style is cut with graduations, as the layers stack on top of one another to build height. When a root-boosting spray is applied in horizontal parts, it becomes very easy to achieve a voluminous look.
Amanda Holden - Medium length hairstyle
Photo by PR Photos
Amanda Holden's shag hairstyle with layers
Photo by PR Photos
After the root spray has dried, the bottom sections are curled outward to create a flair, while the top sections are blow-dried directionally under with a ceramic round brush.
Her hair is held around the brush for a few seconds and then hit with a shot of cool air from the button on the blow dryer to set the curl. The two sections in front of the ear are then curled under, and finally, hairspray is applied to hold Amanda's fabulous style.
See also: More Amanda Holden hairstyles